Face Slim Exerciser Muscle Lips Trainer Tightener Face-lift Slimmer

-23% Face Slim Exerciser Muscle Lips Trainer Tightener Face-lift Slimmer

Face Slim Exerciser Muscle Lips Trainer Tightener Face-lift Slimmer

  • This jaw exerciser wonderful Mouth Tightener and face slimmer. Can be a face slim mask as hilarious gift toys which give your love surprises.
  • This face slimmer is a simple solution to the timeless problem of how to give sagging facial skin and muscles that much-needed daily lift. Just 3 minutes per day is all you need, pop in the mold and then make mouth movements. The makers recommend you say vowel sounds ( AEIOU ) out loud over and over again, producing regular and methodical exercises that will strength the twelve facial expression muscles in a comprehensive way.
  • Jaw exerciser fight wrinkles around your eyes and help shape the overall look of your face, whether in front of the mirror, in the bath or at any other convenient time every day.
  • Multi-functional soft medical grade silicone rubber anti-wrinkle anti-aging face slimmer, mouth tightener, muscle exerciser, muscle tightener, face exerciser, lips trainer face-lift. perfect for jawline exerciser. Perfect mouth exerciser you need when you would like to play speak out games. Want to beauty your face? This could be a tool as face slimmer.
  • Package: 1 x Jaw exerciser in opp bag
  • Upvotes: 210
  • Brand: Gnker
  • Product Code: AB-76403
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $19.98
  • $15.38








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