BulkSupplements.com Astaxanthin 12mg 180 Softgels - Astaxanthin S...

BulkSupplements.com Astaxanthin 12mg 180 Softgels - Astaxanthin S...

BulkSupplements.com Astaxanthin 12mg 180 Softgels - Astaxanthin Supplement - Astaxanthin Pills - Antioxidants Supplement - Eye Supplements - 1 Astaxanthin Softgel per Serving (180 Softgels)

  • ➕ Great Source of Antioxidants - Our Astaxanthin Softgels, or Astaxanthin 12mg Softgels, are a great source of antioxidants that are essential to the body.* Add our Astaxanthin Softgels, an astaxanthin supplement, to any routine and regimen to get the benefits of these powerful nutrients and help boost your overall health!*
  • For Healthy Joints! - Our Astaxanthin Softgels may help support the joints.* The most important thing you can do for your joints is to keep them moving!* And, our Astaxanthin softgels, or Astaxanthin 12mg 180 softgels, are perfect for anyone looking for an easy way to get more antioxidants into their diet.
  • Keeps the Skin Healthy - Antioxidants are essential for healthy skin, and astaxanthin is high source of them! Also, Astaxanthin, or astaxanthin supplements, may help support the skin.* Add one 12mg Astaxanthin softgel into your diet regimen to support overall wellness of the skin!*
  • Easy to Use Softgels - Astaxanthin, or Astaxanthin 12mg pills, is a powerful antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and supports overall health.* Each softgel contains 12 mg of Astaxanthin. Our Astaxanthin softgels make it easy to get your daily dose of antioxidants!
  • ⭐ High Quality - Astaxanthin 12mg 180 Softgels by BulkSupplements are manufactured according to cGMP Standards to ensure the highest quality for manufacturing, packaging, labeling, and holding operations. We third party test our Astaxantin supplements at multiple stages during production, procedures and equipment to ensure compliance, standards and consistency.
  • Upvotes: 159
  • Brand: Bulksupplements
  • Product Code: ASTAX
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $43.15








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