Beverly International Mass Amino Acids, 500 Tablets. They’ll thin...
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Beverly International Mass Amino Acids, 500 Tablets. They’ll think you’ve been lifting for years.
- Rare amino-based nitrogen-retention technology: Mass Amino Acids (Mass) contains a rare casein hydrolysate rich in peptide-bonded amino acids (PBAAs).
- PBAAs can enhance nitrogen retention up to 2X as much as regular food protein.* The more nitrogen your muscles retain, the bigger, fuller and stronger they can become.
- Mass will help you leap past other bodybuilders with muscular gains that take your physique from “decent” to head-turning impressive.*
- Perfect for the 40+ (40 years and over), hard gainers, natural physique athletes and anyone else committed to doing whatever it takes to make their muscles bigger, fuller, harder and stronger, naturally.*
- Reduces loss of muscle mass and strength during fat-loss or cutting diets and layoffs from training, and helps you “regain” muscle faster afterwards.*