Chanca Piedra Kidney Stone Breaker by Logic Nutra 120 Tablets 800...

Chanca Piedra Kidney Stone Breaker by Logic Nutra 120 Tablets 800...

Chanca Piedra Kidney Stone Breaker by Logic Nutra 120 Tablets 800 mg Each Maximum Strength for Gallbladder Cleanse Urinary Pain Relief

  • Naturally promote kidney and gallbladder relief, combat discomfort and maintain proper balance. You can have the confidence that every capsule has the strength and potency that you are looking for in a product.
  • STONE BREAKER by Logic Nutra is the real solution to cleanse and detoxify your kidney, the natural way using natural ingredients.
  • Detoxify urinary tract, flush Impurities, support urinary tract health naturally
  • Chanca Piedra (Phyllantus Niruri) is a one-to-two foot plant that grows in the tropical areas of the Peruvian Amazon. Chanca Piedra has been used by the people of the Peruvian Amazon to help support healthy kidneys, bladders, and urethras.
  • Stone Breaker, Chanca Piedra is used to naturally aid the removal of Kidney Stones and Gallstones
  • Upvotes: 1194
  • Brand: Logic Nutra
  • Product Code: Chanca
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $29.96








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