Eat Anything Rx Enzymes Fructose Malabsorption Aid Digestion & Mo...
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Eat Anything Rx Enzymes Fructose Malabsorption Aid Digestion & More with Prebiotics Probiotics & Xylose Isomerase- Digestion & Lactose Absorption Bloating Gas Relief IBS & Leaky Gut by Dirobi
- Eat Anything Rx is designed to aid people with digestive problems to, well, eat anything! Try it for yourself, we will refund your money if you don't notice a dramatic difference!
- Xylose Isomerase helps convert fructose from food to glucose making it an excellent digestive support. This is the cause of digestive problems for many people, including those with fructose malabsorption.
- APLC Digestive Enzyme Blend is a complex containing Amylase, Protease, Lipase, and Cellulase. Aids in digesting carbohydrates, protein, fats, fiber and plant cellulose.
- Alpha Galactosidase facilitates digestion of legumes. This allows the body to breakdown fiber, protein and carbohydrate without excess gas or bloating.
- Lacto-Wise from Sabinsa is a shelf stable Probiotic and natural soluble fiber (Prebiotic). Provides human intestinal microorganisms and is a source of dietary fiber.