Funat Valerian Extract Drops Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress Relief Bal...

Funat Valerian Extract Drops Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress Relief Bal...

Funat Valerian Extract Drops Anxiety, Insomnia, Stress Relief Baldrian Amantilla 60ml 2Oz


You don't have to resign yourself to sleepless nights anymore, thanks to the Valerian roots extract . You will see an improvement on your anxiety and stress problems and it will also help you if you have sleeping disorders. The Valerian Extract is one of the natural anxiety remedies that actually helps on spontaneous or repeated instances of fear, anxiety or stress. A stress relief product for adults that will improve the quality of your sleep hours. It helps improving sleeping habits; there is a decrease in the time required to fall asleep and fewer movements in bed. These Funat Valerian root Extract Drops will demonstrate you how to sleep better. It will be really relieving to wake up feeling rested and refreshed. If you have sleeping problems, take 20 Valerian Root Extract drops 3 times a day with your favorite drink for insomnia solutions. These anti stress drops don't have calories, sugar, or carbs.


El extracto de valeriana es una medicina natural que ayuda a retomar el sueño durante momentos de ansiedad. Gracias a su composición, funciona como anti estres natural para quitar el insomnio. Las gotas de extracot de valeriana te ayudarán a combatir tus noches de insomnio de una manera natural y progresiva. Los adultos pueden tomar 20 gotas 3 veces al día.
  • ZERO SLEEPLESS NIGHTS: You don't have to resign yourself to sleepless nights anymore, thanks to the Valerian roots extract . You will see an improvement on your anxiety and stress problems and it will also help you if you have sleeping disorders.
  • THE RELIEVER YOU NEED: The Valerian Extract is one of the natural anxiety remedies that actually helps on spontaneous or repeated instances of fear, anxiety or stress. A stress relief product for adults that will improve the quality of your sleep hours.
  • A SLEEP DISORDER MEDICINE: It helps improving sleeping habits; there is a decrease in the time required to fall asleep and fewer movements in bed. These Funat Valerian root Extract Drops will demonstrate you how to sleep better. It will be really relieving to wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
  • ALL NATURAL AND PURE VALERIAN EXTRACT: If you have sleeping problems, take 20 Valerian Root Extract drops 3 times a day with your favorite drink for insomnia solutions. These anti stress drops don't have calories, sugar, or carbs.
  • LA GRAN SOLUCIÓN PARA EL INSOMNIO: El extracto de valeriana es una medicina natural que ayuda a retomar el sueño durante momentos de ansiedad. Gracias a su composición, funciona como anti estres natural para quitar el insomnio. Las gotas de extracot de valeriana te ayudarán a combatir tus noches de insomnio de una manera natural y progresiva. Los adultos pueden tomar 20 gotas 3 veces al día.
  • Upvotes: 612
  • Brand: Funat
  • Product Code: VALERI-60
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $26.98








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