Astaxanthin 24mg + Lycopene 50mg - Clinical Strength Formula w. H...

-9% Astaxanthin 24mg + Lycopene 50mg - Clinical Strength Formula w. H...

Astaxanthin 24mg + Lycopene 50mg - Clinical Strength Formula w. High Dose Lycopene 5% and 100% Natural Astaxanthin Supplements from MicroAlgae - Powerful Carotenoids Skin Supplement & Antioxidants

  • & » Astaxanthin and Lycopene are 2 super antioxidants and rich carotenoids supplements with abundant health benefits that when combined, create a powerful synergistic formula to aid in boosting carotenoid levels in the skin to promote better pigmentation, complexion and a healthier skin tone. Antioxidant properties help support immune system function, eye health and more.*
  • - » One ELMNT Astaxanthin + Lycopene capsule contains 4-12x more active ingredients than most Lycopene & Astaxanthin supplements combined, which have astaxanthin 12mg, astaxanthin 4mg or lycopene 20mg, lycopene 10mg or lower and cost just as much or more.*
  • X . . . All ELMNT supplements are manufactured in a USA GMP-certified facility and made with non-GMO ingredients that are individually tested by 3rd party labs to ensure maximum purity and precise potency. Each product is formulated using highly concentrated extracts and proven ingredients and, unlike most supplements on the market now, we never use 'Proprietary Blends' to hide fillers and save on cost.*
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  • Upvotes: 324
  • Brand: TERRA ELMNT
  • Product Code: B0CVTSWKJ9
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $37.63
  • $34.43








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