Licorice Root Extract 1200 Drops 2 fl. oz More Active Ingredien...

Licorice Root Extract 1200 Drops 2 fl. oz More Active Ingredien...

Licorice Root Extract (1200 Drops 2 fl. oz) More Active Ingredient Than Competing Brands (0.87 mg Glycyrrhizin per Drop), Less Doses Needed, Concentrated, Raise Cortisol, Energy

  • ACTIVE INGREDIENT AMOUNT RIGHT ON THE LABEL – Unlike most of the other liquid licorice root extracts available, this has the exact, assayed content of Glycyrrhizin per drop right on the label. This licorice root extract has 0.87 mg per drop which is high strength and ideal for precise dosing/titration. It’s important to know the assayed Glycyrrhizin content of your licorice root extract, not just the amount of “extract”.
  • VALUE AND STRENGTH: TAKE LESS DROPS FOR MAXIMUM RESULTS – You don’t need to take 28-56 drops of this product. The potency in each drop enables you to use 8-10 drops 1-2 times per day for the results you want: Raising cortisol and reclaiming energy. Dosing varies according to individual needs, but most users take 8-10 drops morning and noon.
  • IMPROVED FORMULA - In 2020, BioMatrix sourced an improved licorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra) with 3X the strength of the active ingredient, Glycyrrhizin. The 10.5 mg of licorice root extract per drop contains the same amount of Glycyrrhizin as the previous version of the product (which contained 35 mg of extract per drop). There is no need to change the number of drops taken with this upgraded version of the product.
  • STRESS RELIEF, HORMONE BALANCE, IMPROVE MOOD – Low cortisol comes with many symptoms that take the energy and joy out of life. With this product’s active properties, cortisol levels are increased, and health can be improved in many ways.
  • Upvotes: 670
  • Brand: BioMatrix
  • Product Code: 508-01
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $53.87








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