Maca extract herb - Maca 1600mg 4: 1 Extract -Increase in sperm p...

Maca extract herb - Maca 1600mg 4: 1 Extract -Increase in sperm p...

Maca extract herb - Maca 1600mg 4: 1 Extract -Increase in sperm production (2 Bottle 120 Capsules)

Maca extract herb - Maca 1600mg 4: 1 Extract -Increase in sperm production (2 Bottle 120 Capsules)

MACA ROOT: Maca is a plant that grows in central peru in the high plateaus of the andes mountains. It has been cultivated as a vegetable crop in peru for at least 3000 years. Maca is a relative of the radish and has an odor similar to butterscotch. Its root is used to make medicine.

MACA (lepidium meyenii): Is a root plant consumed as a food and for medicinal purposes. It is also known as "peruvian ginseng" (even though it is not a member of the same botanical family as ginseng), because it is used as a folk remedy to boost stamina, energy, and sexual performance and fertility. It is typically taken as a supplement, liquid extract or powdered form.

health benefits of maca:

MACA EXTRACT Although few scientific studies have tested the effectiveness of maca, some research suggests that it may offer certain health benefits.

* maca 4: 1 extract may improve sexual function.
* maca extract may help to balance your hormone's
* maca 1600mg boost your endurance
* maca help with acne relief
* maca extract can boost energy and fight fatigue
  • MACA: Maca is a very popular plant from the Andes that is of the mustard family. It was used traditionally in South America to provide male and female fertility support for thousands of years. Apart Maca, our powerful formula also includes Niacin, Zinc, Catuaba, Muira Puama, L-Arginine, Heart-Leaf Sida, Barrentwort, Tribulus, Cola, Oatstraw, Stinging Nettle, Pumpkin, Ginger, Cayenne, American Ginseng, Eleuthero, Asian Ginseng, Sarsaparilla, Orchic Substance, Boron Citrate.
  • MACA ROOT FOR MEN SEX: Supplements with Maca root extracr is a popular supplement among bodybuilders and athletes. It can be beneficial for helping you gain muscle, increase strength, boost energy and improve exercise performance.
  • MACA PILLS ENHANCEMENT: Adding maca to your diet also can be beneficial for increasing bone density and strength. It, along with many cruciferous vegetables, are rich sources of calcium, which is an integral vitamin for promoting healthy and durable bones.
  • MACA ROOT VITAMINS: Maca is rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids.
  • OUR GUARANTEE: PREMIUM QUALITY SUPPLEMENT MANUFACTURED IN THE USA! We use only the very best ingredients, all of which are manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities, with strict adherence to good manufacturing practices (GMP).
  • Upvotes: 824
  • Product Code: mac-2b
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $36.18








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