Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test - 4 Count. Early Detection Pregna...

Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test - 4 Count. Early Detection Pregna...

Modern Fertility Pregnancy Test - 4 Count. Early Detection Pregnancy Tests with Free iOS App.

  • 99% ACCURATE - At detecting pregnancy from the day of your missed period.
  • TEST EARLY - You can test up to 6 days before your missed period.
  • AFFORDABLE - Just as affordable and accurate from the day of your missed period as leading pregnancy tests. (It’s also pretty cute.)
  • FREE APP - Use the free Modern Fertility iOS App to track your cycle and get a recommendation on when to test for pregnancy.
  • A COMMUNITY - Your test comes with an invite to the Modern Community, where you can connect with other people with ovaries and ask fertility experts your questions.
  • Upvotes: 167
  • Brand: Modern Fertility
  • Product Code: B08G389JN3
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $23.77








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