myLAB Box At Home STD Test for MEN - Discreet Mail-In Kit - Lab C...

myLAB Box At Home STD Test for MEN - Discreet Mail-In Kit - Lab C...

myLAB Box At Home STD Test for MEN - Discreet Mail-In Kit - Lab Certified Results in 3-5 Days (Chlamydia / Gonorrhea),12601


Meeting a new partner, whether it is for life or for just an evening, is exciting but also full of potential complications. And we are not talking about meeting the parents - we are talking about an issue that affects 110 million Americans today, or in other words 1 in every 3 people you meet - sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). No, looking “clean” or not feeling “an itch” doesn’t mean you are in the clear. In fact as many as 80% of people infected may not develop symptoms. Symptoms can also often be confused for say, the common cold, or be too mild to be noticed. Not to mention they can develop months or even years after the time of infection while you spread the disease all along. What can you do to protect yourself? This is where myLAB Box comes in; We are the first and only service that allows you to test for prevalent STDs from home - anytime and anywhere. Why go to the lab when you can have the lab come to YOU? Test in as little as 5 minutes, mail in your sample and log in to see your results online in just a matter of days! Fully compliant, lab-certified, honest to goodness at-home STD testing, and YES, results are just as accurate as those you would receive after a visit to a clinic or a doctor’s office. Should you happen to test positive, our experts are here to guide you every step of the way. Enjoy convenience, peace of mind and a healthier lifestyle in just a click with myLAB Box - order today to get started!


  • Test for two of the top high-risk infections in men at home
  • Completely private: test kit arrives in a discreet package
  • Collect and mail your sample in 5 minutes, no appointments and no hassle
  • Order lab services and get certified results in as little as 3 days
  • FDA approved technology with same accuracy as testing in a lab
  • Upvotes: 564
  • Brand: myLAB Box
  • Product Code: MLB_00SINGLEGONCHLM
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $94.80








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