Nutrim 30 Serving- Unleashed Oat Beta Glucans for Cholesterol

Nutrim 30 Serving- Unleashed Oat Beta Glucans for Cholesterol

Nutrim 30 Serving- Unleashed Oat Beta Glucans for Cholesterol

  • Nutrim unleashes the cholesterol lowering portion of oats, the oat beta glucans.
  • 100% Natural and Safe. There is nothing in Nutrim besides what is found in oats.
  • USDA Developed by ARS Hall of Fame Scientist Dr. Inglett after years trying to discover novel ways to get the cholesterol lowering power of oat beta glucans into everyday foods.
  • Nutrim is developed utilizing all natural processing to break open the cell walls, releasing the portion of oats that helps to remove cholesterol from the body.
  • Qualifies for the FDA Heart Health Claim because of its all natural processing and its cholesterol lowering oat beta glucan content.
  • $43.50








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