Awake Green - Super Greens - Superfood Powder - USDA Organic Non-...

Awake Green - Super Greens - Superfood Powder - USDA Organic Non-...

Awake Green - Super Greens - Superfood Powder - USDA Organic Non-GMO Vegan Supplement - for Digestive & Bloating Relief - 20+ Whole Foods (Spirulina, Wheat Grass, Barley), Probiotics, Fiber & Enzymes

  • Loaded with greens, wheat grass, beets, spirulina, berries, mushrooms and more
  • Certified USDA Organic Greens Powder, Gluten Free, Non-GMO, Vegan Friendly. No artificial sweeteners, colors or flavors in this green smoothie powder
  • Super Greens is packed with phytonutrients to help promote healthy energy levels without the crash you get from caffeine, sugar or energy drinks. The vitamins and minerals in Super Greens fuel your brain to help support focus, clear thinking.
  • It’s a simple way to add superfoods, greens, grains, sprouts, fruits and veggies to your day with just one serving. Healthy superfood powder on the go for women and men in an easy-to-consume greens powder smoothie mix
  • Our Greens Blend are thoughtfully crafted with a nutritious blend of alkalizing greens, antioxidants, fiber & pre and probiotics to support your overall digestive health to help you feel amazing.
  • $27.18








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