PreKnow 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Com...
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PreKnow 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Combo Kit (50 LH+ 20 HCG) (2021 Latest Model)
- Over 99.8% accuracy, clinically proven, for over-the-counter use.
- Specially designed for "Family Planing" and " Trying to Conceive" women. No more guessing.
- PreKnow Ovulation Test Strip offers greater opportunity to easily monitor and predict their most fertile windows regardless of the length of circle.
- Detects early pregnancy 1-2 days sooner than your expected period starting date, got BFP as early as 9DPO.
- 50 LH+ 20 HCG