5Strands Deluxe Package 985 Items Tested, Includes 4 Tests: Food ...

5Strands Deluxe Package 985 Items Tested, Includes 4 Tests: Food ...

5Strands Deluxe Package 985 Items Tested, Includes 4 Tests: Food Intolerance, Environment Sensitivity, Nutrition & Metals Imbalance Test - Accurate Results in 10 Days - at Home Collection Kit

  • The 5Strands Deluxe Package Includes 4 Holistic Health Tests: ️ (1) Food Intolerance (1) Environment Sensitivity (1) Nutrition Imbalance (1) Metal & Mineral Imbalance. A total of 985 Items tested. At home collection only require 10-15 Strands of HAIR. Receive results in 10 Days.
  • How ARE WE DIFFERENT? With this at home collection kit, learning about how your body is responding to your current dietary & lifestyle decisions has never been so easy. We use BIORESONANCE technology to determine which of the 985 items tested resonate as an intolerance or imbalance. An imbalance may look or feel like an upset stomach, headaches, bloating, joint pain, inflamed gut, skin irritation, etc.
  • YOUR RESULTS are YOUR ROAD MAP to BETTER HEALTH! This is an invest in yourself. Do not take our word for it, read our hundreds of verified testimonies. Our USA Small Business is on a mission to empower people with educational information to take back their health. The 5Strands results require 100% engagement and interaction to see results!
  • The Food Test will indicate your bodies severity of response upon exposure to protein, grain, fruit, dairy, fat, seafood, spices, sweeteners, additives, beverages. The Environment Intolerance Test covers pollen, grass, animal, fabric, cleaning solutions. 5Strands measures non-life-threatening responses. 5Strands does not provide an allergy test for immune system responses with blood or saliva.
  • The Nutrition Test and Metals & Minerals Test will indicate which items are out of balance. An imbalance can occur when your body experiences an over exposure or lack of absorption. A vitamin, mineral, fatty acids, amino acids will register if the current intake is not being absorbed or over consumed. A metal or mineral will register if the body struggles processing and eliminating the exposure. This is not HTMA testing and will not provide physical amounts found in the body.
  • Upvotes: 677
  • Brand: 5Strands
  • Product Code: deluxe adult
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $230.40








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