Flower Power Vegan Boric Acid Suppositories - 30 Count - 600mg fo...

-44% Flower Power Vegan Boric Acid Suppositories - 30 Count - 600mg fo...

Flower Power Vegan Boric Acid Suppositories - 30 Count - 600mg for Vaginal Odor and pH Balance - Made in USA

  • BYE BYE ODOR, ITCH & DISCHARGE – Thousands of women choose our boric acid vaginal suppository capsules for odor, vaginal itch, dryness & discharge. They're like a vagina “detox”: You’ll quickly feel clean, fresh and confident. Our boric acid capsules contain unscented, super-soft powder in QuickDissolve cruelty-free (non-gelatin) shells. Boric acid powder is gentle (it’s found in seawater) and has been used by practitioners for over a century. Now it's available from the privacy of home!
  • SAY ADIOS TO EMBARASSING ODORS – Formulated with 100% pharmaceutical-grade boric acid powder, our vaginal suppositories help you say goodbye to vaginal odor. Quickly and easily feel confident at work, the gym.. and life’s most intimate moments. Unlike other companies, our vagina suppositories are 100% free of fillers, dyes and other nasty stuff. Clean, gluten-free and 3rd-party tested. Can work as an alternative BV treatment for women. They do not hurt or burn, and are not a scented cover-up.
  • FASTER ACTING – Figuring out pH balance for women and vaginal health issues can be frustrating and time-consuming. That’s why we’ve got your back: Our extra-fast-acting boric acid tablets help restore balance quickly so your vagina can feel, smell and taste fresh for intimacy. Use after intimacy or any time you feel like your internal pH balance feels “off”. Just insert one suppository capsule per night for 7 nights. Completely OK to use any time of the month, including last days of your period.
  • COMFORTABLE & CRUELTY-FREE – Most feminine care suppliers use animal-derived gelatin (which dissolves slowly and is gross). We love animals, so that’s why our boric acid suppositories are made with cruelty-free vegan ingredients that are extra gentle 'down there'. Our pills are unscented and dissolve rapidly for softer, non-gritty comfort. Reduction in vee odor is often seen in 6 hours. If symptoms persist, use as needed for a quick "refresh". Work perfect as pH balance suppositories for women.
  • 100% LIFETIME SATISFACTION GUARANTEE – Our USA-made feminine products work or they’re completely free. We strive to bring the highest-quality boric acid pills for women, vaginal care tools for feminine odor treatment, yoni pearls, vaginal moisturizer suppositories, vaginal wash & other high-quality vaginal cleansing products to the feminine health industry. What are you waiting for? Rebalance that 'pot of honey' and be the queen goddess you deserve to be.
  • Upvotes: 1367
  • Brand: Flower Power
  • Product Code: Aogole
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $53.96
  • $29.96








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