FoodSafe Allergy Combo Panel 190 Allergens

FoodSafe Allergy Combo Panel 190 Allergens

FoodSafe Allergy Combo Panel 190 Allergens

The Food Safe Allergy Combo Test (Bloodspot IgG Antibody Assay) is a finger prick test that you can do yourself. It measures the total IgG antibodies that cause adverse food reactions or allergies to common food allergens (190 foods tested). The information provided in this report enables you to design an appropriate diet to exclude the reactive foods. With this test you can determine the primary cause of adverse food reactions. A food that causes an IgG response is referred to as delayed hypersensitivity, which may come and go in cycles, depending on whether the food is eaten or avoided. Food IgG levels increase in response to the presence of the food antigens in the bloodstream, especially those foods eaten often such as corn, wheat, soy, and egg. IgG responses may cause delayed symptoms, such as joint or muscle pain, chronic headaches, fatigue, eczema, and psoriasis. Since IgG reactions often occur hours or days after particular foods are consumed, correlating symptoms can be difficult. The reactions can be subtle or severe, and may lead to chronic (long-term) symptoms and chronic degenerative conditions. When an IgG food is avoided it may take 3 to 9 months for the antibody level against that food to decrease significantly. However, for the antibody level to return to the previous level, the food may have to be eaten frequently for weeks to months. For that reason, these foods are often less problematic when reintroduced; when consumed infrequently in a rotation diet, they seldom have to be avoided for life. As the lab batches these tests, the results are available 2-4 weeks after returning them to us. We can't ship to NY due to state laws. RETURN POLICY Unused kits can be returned for a full refund except shipping costs unless there was a mistake made by our company in which case your shipping costs will be refunded as well. Once you send in the specimen card, refunds are no longer possible.
  • FoodSafe Allergy Combo Panel measures allergic IgG reactions to 190 allergens
  • The Food Safe Allergy test comes conveniently packaged as a kit. It requires a "finger stick" blood spot to be collected and shipped directly to the laboratory in a pre-paid envelope. All necessary components for the "finger-stick" are included in the kit with a complete set of instructions for easy collection.
  • The combo panel tests for basic foods, herbs, spices, sweeteners, nuts, candida
  • Upvotes: 1014
  • Brand: M.V. Labs
  • Product Code: 2060
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $478.80








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