Precision Cleanse Xtra Strength Hair Follicle Detoxification Sham...

Precision Cleanse Xtra Strength Hair Follicle Detoxification Sham...
  • Upvotes: 772
  • Brand: LPT
  • Product Code: Precision Cleanse Shampoo
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $179.99








Precision Cleanse Xtra Strength Hair Follicle Detoxification Shampoo (1)

  • Designed for the frequent THC, Benzo, and Opiate user (3+ times per week) and light to frequent user of Cocaine and Methamphetamine.
  • Single bottle for head hair (get double bottle if doing both head and body hair).
  • Precision Cleanse is designed for permanently reduce toxin levels in the hair strand so they fall below detectable levels in a laboratory hair test. It's the strongest and most effective product for toxin reduction in the hair available today.
  • Precision Cleanse has a 92% success rate in reducing toxin levels below detectable levels in a hair strand test. The 8% failure rate can be attributed to a number of factors, primarily being the use of expensive and more sophisticated hair testing technology (zero tolerance testing) and very high toxin concentrations.
  • Once your hair is treated with Precision Cleanse, it becomes clean permanently. Newly grown hair, however, may contain the toxins still present in your system. If you know that your body is clean, and therefore future hair growth is clean, then once you complete the treatments, your current and future hair growth will be clean.

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