Pure Essence Labs LiverEssence - The Worlds Best Absorbed Milk T...

Pure Essence Labs LiverEssence - The Worlds Best Absorbed Milk T...
  • $45.64

Pure Essence Labs LiverEssence - The World's Best Absorbed Milk Thistle Extract With Synergistic Liver Support Factors - 60 Vegetarian Capsules

The Most Complete Liver Support On The Market! LiverEssence by Pure Essence Labs In the modern world, the liver is under constant attack. While alcoholism and recreational drug abuse have always been with us, the liver must now also defend against the thousands of synthetic chemicals used in agriculture, food processing, industry and technology, and against the thousands more in prescription medications. Even if you don't use any medications, trace amounts are present in both public and filtered water supplies. The liver's most valuable tool is an antioxidant called L-Glutathione, which protects liver cells from the constant poisons it processes. While milk thistle is widely known as the liver's best friend, few realize that one of the ways it works is by increasing L-Glutathione. However, the silybin (an important constituent of milk thistle) that does this is very poorly absorbed. To overcome this, the milk thistle extract in LiverEssence is bound to phospholipids. This increases its bioavailability by over 800%. LiverEssence also provides schizandra and artichoke (a close cousin of milk thistle), which are also extremely beneficial to the liver. To further increase L-Glutathione, LiverEssence provides N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, a building block from which the body produces its own L-Glutathione, and alpha lipoic acid, which rebuilds L-Glutathione that has been broken down as it works. Finally, LiverEssence provides a group of herbs known as the bupleurum-dong quai combination. This blend has been used for centuries to increase the flow of energy and blood in the liver, and to cleanse the blood of the toxins the liver has processed. If you face any kind of liver challenge, or simply want to give your liver all it needs to be as healthy and vibrant as possible, LiverEssence simply must be your choice. No other product supports the liver from both modern and holistic medical points of view. Get Your LiverEssence Today!
  • Siliphos Milk Thistle - Siliphos binds Milk thistle's most liver supporting compound to phospholipids - By converting Silybin from water to fat soluble, absorption and delivery is increased by over 800%
  • N-Acetyl-Cysteine is an amino acid precursor to the major antioxidant L-Glutathione - Helps support the protection of liver cells
  • Schizandra fruit supports all 12 of the body's major energy meridans - Sharpens mental focus, helps protect against cell damaging agents like free radicals and other toxins
  • Artichoke extract provides antioxidants that protect liver cells from damage by free radicals and the toxins it processes each day
  • Herbal Blend - This blend softens the liver, regulates the flow of Qi, nourishes the blood, strengthens the spleen and helps in detoxification - No liver support system can be considered complete without it - All Authentic Pure Essence Labs Products Are Shipped With A Certificate Of Authenticity And The Manufacturer's Seal Of Approval